st patrick’s PRIMARY SCHOOL
St. Patrick’s Primary School
Completed 2020
On this project, GROUND iNK Landscape Architects collaborated closely with the school, architect and project team to deliver concept design, DA submission, tender documentation and construction services to refurbish of the external learning spaces and improve the areas for student social activation to the school’s main campus located in Sutherland.
The landscape design provides the school with a diverse range of spaces for student stimulation while maintaining consistency of materials, shapes and forms to the external areas of the school. Sandstone was used to connect the spaces throughout the school and was featured heavily in the schools community garden area which includes raised vegetable gardens, informal decomposed granite pathways with brick edging and a yarning circle fostering outdoor classrooms and small group gatherings. Native plantings were selected to reinforce the predominant character of the surrounding area. The scope of works included designs for an outdoor pedology environment and associated stimulating play spaces.